Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The True Art of Blogging

I decided to actually "blog" this time instead of just putting pictures up. After all, that is the whole point to this blogging thing.
Sophia is going into week two of her second cold. I'm really getting tired of feeling like I can't do anything to make her feel and sound better. It breaks my heart as a mom to just "let it take it's course." I can't believe it's only the end of September. You would think we were into January with all of the sickness going around.
Yesterday was an awful day for Sophia(and me). Although, I can't feel any teeth coming in I know that is the issue. I couldn't do anything right for her. She slept a total of 1 1/2 hours in naps and even got up early. She would want to eat but would end up chewing on the bottle nipple half way through and wouldn't finish. I finally broke down and put Orajel where her two front bottom teeth would be. After a few minutes it did actually work and I had my smiling Sophia back. I know it's not all that funny (especially for Sophia) but every time Brent would put his face close to hers she would try biting him. She looked like a little piranha going after him. I had a good laugh because of it.
At the current moment we are in the process of buying a house. It's been a very long process but I know that in the end it will be worth it. We have so much work to do to the house before we actually move into it. As I sit here now and type this I get a bit of anxiety thinking about it. Having a baby puts a whole new twist on when we can paint and work on things. Well I would love to sit here and continue typing, but Sophia is starting to wake up from her nap. Duty calls!


MommyH said...

I love your "true" blogging, Holly. It's good to hear what's going on. It is SO hard to let things take their course. I know what you mean. And teething is NO fun. Faith's STILL going through it...not to be discouraging :) Have you tried teething tablets? We've found that they work well for us. They're in the vitamin section. We love you guys and I can just imagine Sophia going after Brent. Makes me laugh sitting here. I bet Brent had a good laugh too :) Miss you guys!

The Paulsens said...

I love your new pics. I hope you are all feeling better by now. Teething is no fun, and it seems like it lasts awhile and comes and goes. Orajel worked great for us, and Tylenol on occasion. Take care!